Welcome to the Fitness Pals Online Community!
Welcome to our community!
Introduce Yourself, say hello and meet other people in our community.
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6 years, 4 months ago
Get A Fitness Pal
Post Here ONLY To Get A Fitness Pal. Fitness pals keep in touch daily, several times a day or support each other when needed. Text or call your fitness pal to check in or when you are feeling tempted to stray from your diet goals. You can also text your Fitness Pal for every meal or snack you eat to keep each other on track. When either pal has made their goal weight you can choose to stay with your pal or post for another pal if your pal meets their goal weight first. Exchange phone numbers for text and/or calls. Exchange emails and connect through your account profiles. Your Fitness Pal is your support and is there to talk you away from the foods not included in your diet. Fitness Pals also check in when a daily exercise workout is completed. You and your pal can set a workout schedule together. When posting please specify your weight loss goals.
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1 week ago
Post your daily calorie count. You can post as many times as you like. If your calorie goal is 1200 per day, post your current calorie count at the time of the post. Posting your calories may help you notice your calorie intake more, and reduce the chances of going over your daily calorie limit.
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2 years, 7 months ago
Lunch Room
Post Here to discuss what you are currently eating. Eating that yogurt for the third time this week can be the pits. Discuss what you are currently eating with others. Post pictures and even share what you like/dislike about your meal. Feel free to post your healthy recipe for the food that you are currently eating. PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THIS ROOM IF YOU ARE NOT EATING AT THE TIME.
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6 years, 4 months ago
Say It
Post Here to say what you want to those pesky pounds. Were you not able to wear that swimsuit this summer or jump into those trendy new jeans. Say what you would like to say to those pesky pounds here.
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6 years, 4 months ago
Weight Loss
Post Here when you have loss any pounds or inches. Lost three pounds this week? Post your weight loss here! Even post pictures if you'd like.
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9 hours, 24 minutes ago
Met My Goal
Congratulations!! Post here when you have met your weight loss goal! Feel free to post your pictures and share your excitement!
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7 years, 4 months ago
Chit Chat
Chit Chat is the place to chat and shoot the breeze.
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6 years, 4 months ago
Fun & Games
Share a joke or play a game.
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6 years, 4 months ago
Have a question? Start here.
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9 months, 2 weeks ago